Friday, December 16, 2011

Anticipation: The School Bus and Beyond

It's 4 am and I need to go to sleep. Stayed up trying to get youtube to accept this .flv file, but it wont for some reason. Desperately need to figure this out.
Finished the script for episode 4. It'll be the first one that doesn't take place on the bus. I really want to expand the cartoon beyond the claustrophobic and confining school bus, see some of the world these people live in. Get to know more characters. All of this while keeping the school bus as a main character in its own right, if you catch my drift.
I havent introduced many of the characters I have in store, most of which ride the bus, so it's about damn time to introduce them and get more people some screen time besides Meric and Chilco. Episode 4 will quickly introduce the rest of the kids on Meric and Chilco's bus, which is by the way Bus 198-7 (my birth year: 1987). Also being introduced in episode 4 are the cops. The Five-O. The fuzz. Johnny Law. I feel like episode 4 is also pretty funny, just looking at the script. I didn't really care for episode 3, didn't find it too humorous myself. Really just wanted to bring the series back to life as soon as possible. I've got high hopes for the episodes to come. In my humble opinion, it's getting funnier. So please, if you're thinking of following the series, stick with it. If anything, thanks for watching.
Hope to get the 3rd episode up here tomorrow...or really later today. Planning on meeting up with some cronies from college to get some voice acting recorded for episode 4. I can't do all the male voices, by jove. But right now, this instant, I need to sleep. Good morning.


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