Friday, February 3, 2012

Episode 4: Back of the Bus

Here's this thing. The audio gets out of sync near the middle and it sounds poor. urh...
Finished writing number 5. Think it's funnier than the first 4. Number 5 will also begin the running plotline. High hopes for number 5 and the subsequent, plan to put more time into it. Does this link work??

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Took Myself to School; Steppin' it Up

Hola, comrades! It's been too long, too long. How have you been? BETTER!?
I've been preoccupied with writing more episodes, outlining the season and whatnot. See, at first I was just planning on having Meric and Chilco talk about some random, mundane topic every episode without chronologic relevance...
But that's just plain boring.
I'm trying to shift the whole project into a episodic, continuous story type deal, and give more lines to the other characters. Workin' out developing everyone and shiznit like that. It's just more interesting than the same two idiots sitting in the same damn spot on the same damn bus, the same damn setting, talking about some bullshit. Nuh uh. That's got no staying power. It's pretty bitchin' to me, to think how Meric & Chilco Ride the Damn Bus has already developed. I mean, it is still quite unpolished, still finding it's stride but's coming along nicely in my opinion. Noticeable growth.
Almost finished with the 4th episode. I'm trying to step it up. Have shit happen. Crazy shit. Enough of just talking. And sitting. Time for some doing. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah.
Also, I took my as to school, so to speak: watching more flash tutorials. Gotta learn more about this software if'n I wanna make the cartoon better.
And while this is all going on, I really need to find a job...I don't wanna leave ATL...good Lord help me...
Really shouldn't have left that damn grocery store without two weeks notice...oh well. Everyone's got 20/20 vision in hindsight, right? Ugh...
'Til next time (which should be when I put up episode 4) .
